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Garden Pond

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Garden Pond
A garden pond can enliven your garden and serve as a spot of beauty and tranquility. Check out more on selecting garden ponds and what their maintenance entails.

Considering having a garden pond in your yard? Check out how to choose a garden pond with the right size and shape so as to blend with your outdoors. Learn more about garden pond liners. Find out what koi garden ponds are all about! Let your garden pond be visible from your windows or patio – a sight to relieve you after a hard and stressful day. The soothing expanse of water and attractive foliage can definitely change the appearance of your home garden. Check out more on garden pond maintenance.

Garden pond selection

Placing your garden pond must be an act of careful consideration and judgment. It must be in a style that suits your garden or yard. While an informal garden pond works well in most homes, a koi garden pond might be more suitable for others. The size of the pond is another important decision as also choice of plants and fish. Should you install a water fountain in your garden pond?

Do you have little children or pets whose safety is jeopardized with large deeper ponds? All these points need careful consideration before selecting a garden pond since you are likely to spend a sizeable amount of money, time and effort. Garden ponds come in several shapes and styles.

You can go in for square, circular or even irregular-shaped ponds. Alternatively you can combine a garden pond with a bog garden. Choose one that integrates into its surroundings and design it with appropriate settings. You can opt for a formal garden pond or go in for one that resembles natural settings. These types of ponds can be laid with brick edges or cobbled stone. The edges can have marginal plants that grow well in shallow water.

An open sunny space sans overexposure to wind is ideal to locate a garden pond. Overhanging trees can make for more maintenance. Typically its deepest area should be about 2 feet. Garden ponds that are less shallow are not suitable for fish. Avoid low-lying areas so as to avoid run-off water from entering the pond and polluting it. You can consider installing a fountain or waterfall in your garden pond. Fountains can add much needed oxygen to your garden pond and the gentle swoosh of the water is pleasant to the ears.

Garden pond liner

You can opt to dig out your soil to create a garden pond or go in for a pre-formed pool. Once you have prepared the ground and laid the liner, it is essential to spread it evenly and add rocks and gravel for a natural look. Pond liners allow you to design your garden pond in different shapes. But they need to be handled carefully as they are susceptible to damage. Bentonite blankets are the best bet for garden pond liners.

Garden pond guide

Check with local building codes and municipal authorities on local pond regulations.

  • Ensure slip resistant material near the garden pond.

  • Choose a garden pond pump that would be able to recirculate the water in the entire pond every hour or two.

  • Consider installing a filter to skim water and debris from the pond water. Biological and UV filters can also be fitted.

  • Water plants must be pruned to keep out insects and disease.

  • Metal neutralizers may be necessary to remove chlorine from water and detoxify heavy metals.

  • Remember that garden ponds tend to attract wildlife, birds and butterflies. Frogs, toads, dragonflies and other small mammals are sure to be attracted by this water body in your garden.

Plants and fish must be added only after the garden pond is ready and has stabilized for sometime. You can choose from water lilies, iris, floating plants, watercress and underwater oxygenating plants. Opting for native aquatic plants can reduce maintenance as they will readily adapt to the environment. Beware of plants that guzzle water and choke out other plant life and cause damage to the pond.

Fish will help in maintaining the pool water as they will eat algae and mosquito larvae. Ensure that there is enough oxygen in the water to support them. Choosing low-maintenance fish may be prudent since fishes like Koi require careful tending. Do not overstock the garden pond with fish. Ensure that they have enough room to move around.

Koi pond

Koi is a Japanese fish that comes in vibrant colors and can add to the beauty of your garden pond. Watching these energetic fish can be extremely soothing and relaxing to frayed nerves. But be prepared to spend plenty of time and investment to maintain a koi pond. Such a pond must be located away from direct sunlight. Increased pH levels of the water can be harmful to koi fish, so ensure that the water has neutral pH. Typically a koi pond must be built with about 4 -5 feet depth as these fish tend to grow quite large. Add gravel and pebbles for breeding beneficial bacteria. Ensure that the pond water is suitably aerated.

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